Thursday, November 5, 2009

To BoA : Happy 23rd Birthday!!!

im really bad...
how can i forgot about BoA's birthday??
really thanks a lot for
[Sandbucket BoAvrilrock - SM]
she reminds me of BoA's birthday...
or else i am really sinful...

and i thought BoA isn't 23 -___-|||
because few years ago, she was 21st...
and now, years past... and still 23?? > <

and i just noticed that BoA and Minnie are about the same age O___O
both of them was born in 1986...
how come they never interact with each other before > <
basically, BoA should call him Oppa...
but technically, Minnie should call BoA Nonaa hahahahaha
because BoA debut since she was 13 -___-|||
Minnie debut when he was 19 =.=
call her nonaa because he is hoobae, and BoA is Minnie's sunbae XD
ok, this is non of my business -___-|||

wondering if BoA again celebrating her birthday today with her fans just like last year?
a picture of BoA...

omg im even mean that i do not have her latest pic...
BoA's stalkers fault that they didnt take pic of her...
but is hard too since she is staying in America or Japan...
dont want return to Korea already, huh??

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