Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's wat?? -___-|||

wake by Choi's sms...
at bout 7.10+++ am...
omg T___T
let me sleep larrrr
dat Jing and Choi...
both of the kept bomb me by their sms...
wan sleep oso canot...

went to KL...
Gasoline for breakfast...
and start ss... XD

ss using Jing's mobile >>>>>

tis Choi kept wanna take pic wit me...-___-|||

tis Jing...kept wanna use my mobile to take pic..alto da quality sucks -__-||| weirdo...

gosh...inside my mobile dun hav much of my own photos...but there r alot of their photos -__-||

walk walk walk around while waiting for SF's fren to cum...
found a place to sit...
and they start to SS again...XD

Choi ar narcissistic??? XD

den i wanna learn them oso.... >.<>

den i jealous liaoooo ...
bcoz jing only take pic wit them...
i kept complaining her XD
den she beh tahan...
and is our turn~~

y so weird geh???
-__-|| tell u da truth, we never plan for our posing/expression...

blur~~ still same expression...

oooo diff liao....Jing said she smile until so "chan lan" over here >>>>

but after tis...
-___-|| worse...
SF's B Zai reached...
my Xiao Feng oso reached...gonna meet...
hahahaha den Jing acc me go to find her....
dat gal...aishhh ask her cum up to 7th floor find me...
den she asked me go to 3rd floor to find her...
she said dat she is so lazy to go up -___-||

lol...dat gal...
swinging da "paper bag" and walking towards me -__-||
oiiiiii~~~ so T lar -__-||
kept cutting her hair...
ask her to not cut still cutting...
den da way she speaks wit me on phone and in reality...
O____O so diff???
hahahaha her voice is cute and so "teh" on phone...
and so "chuan" when in reality...
talk like wan to gaduh like dat -__-||
den ar...she ar...
first time meet me den ruin her own image =.=
pass me da ekonomi past yearss exam papers...
ask me MUST do it...if not she will piak me...
and push my head so hardly...
until i "flied" XD
aishhhh -__-||
dat gal....
so violent -____-|||
den bcoz rushing bak,
din talk much oso...juz awhile and we "sau dui" hahahaha
haven even get to observe her -__-||
den saw smth other than papers inside da bag...
take it out...oooo already know is da bear dat she sew herself hahahaha...
den dat Jing...8...-__-|| so 8...
went and open...
somemore say ppl's 手工 cacat...
ya allahh~~~
den saw a paper inside...
da one she uploaded in her frenster photo...

well...for da content of da card...
canot be reveal...XD
-__-|| but my bday haven reach yet lar...
still got very long time...not reli very long lar...coming soon oso...

and tis is da incomplete bear...
b4 she decorate it wit other things...
and draw da eyes,mouth and nose...

tis two pic took by her...-__-||
im too tired for today...
no mood to take pic of anything after reach home...

da worst part is here...
dat sei SF...saw B Zai den like -__-||
forget bout us adi...-___-|||
kept walking wit her and forget our exist...
walk for "HOURS" only realize dat we r not following her...
omg...reli talented...
c lar...tis kind of fren...c~~~c~~~
i knew it...datz y i dun wan to go KL wit them at da first place...
den bcoz of SF...
we are late...
Choi kena marah by her sis...
we r like...omg...
rush like we r athletes or wat...
kept running and fast walking there...
somemore c da wrong platform and enter da wrong train -___-|||
and nid to change train...
running around asking ppl...
so "luan sui" -___-|||
wait for da right train to reach until we died there -___-|||
soooooooooooooooooo longgggggggg....
so tired somemore....
my feets are reli pain T____T
so tired...
sweat like hell somemore...
den our Choi so pitiful...
once enter da car

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